• NAAC 3rd Cycle
  • AQAR Abstract
  • AQAR Reports
  • RAR & SSR
  • Committee
  • Meeting
  • NAAC Certificates
  • AISHE Certificates
  • Program Outcomes
  • Procedures & Policies
  • College Documents
  • SSS Feedback

Institutional Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA)

Self- Study Report (SSR)

NAAC 3rd Cycle SSR Submitted on 02-03-2023

Criteria 1 : Curricular Aspects
Curricular Planning and Implementation
1) College Time Table
2) Department Time Table
3) Individual Time Table
4) Departmental Meeting
5) Session Plan
6) Workdone Diary Sample
7) Teachers Participate in BOS/BOE
8) Calender of Events
9) IA Time Table
Academic Flexibility
1) Programmes Offering CBCS Syllabus
Curriculum Enrichment
1) Syallabus Of Courses Experiential Learning
Feedback System
1) Students Feedback Analysis Report
2) Parents Feedback Analysis Report
3) Alumni Feedback Analysis Report
4) Teachers Feedback Analysis Report
5) Action Taken Report (ATR) on Feedback Analysis Report
Criteria 2 : Teaching- Learning and Evaluation
Student Enrollment and Profile
1) Admission Eligibility List
2) Admission List Published by HEI
3) List of Students Admitted from the Reserved Catergories
Student Teacher Ratio
1) List of Full Time Teachers for Latest Completed Academic Year
Teaching Learning Process
1) Student Centric Methods
2) Teachers Used ICT Tools for Effective Teaching-Learning Process
3) Teachers used ICT Enabled Tools for Effective Teaching Learning Process
Teacher Profile and Quality
1) Appointment Order of Full Time Staff
2) Experience Certificates
3) Ph.D. Certificates of Faculty
Evaluation Process and Reforms
1) Examination Grievances Policy
Student Performance and Learing Outcomes
1) Program Outcomes and Course Outcomes
2) SOP for CO and PO Attainment
3) Abstract of the Results
4) Reports of the Result
Student Satisfaction Survey
Criteria 3 : Research, Innovations and Extension
Resource Mobilization for Research
Innovation Ecosystem
1) Number of workshops/seminars/conferences, Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)
Research Publications and Awards
1) Number of Research Papers Published teacher in the Journals notified on UGC care list
2) Published Paper Sample Copy
3) Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in national/ international conference proceedings
Extension Activities
1) Extension Activity Carried Out Under NSS Report 2017-22
2) Number of Extension and_Outreach Program
1) Reports of the Research Collabration
Criteria 4 : Infrastructure and Learning Resources
Physical Facilities
1) Availability of ICT Sports Physical Facilities Photos
2) Building Documents
3) Electrical and Electronics Equipments
4) Green Environmental Deatils of the Campus
Library as a Learning Resource
1) Library Learning Resource Details 2017-18
2) Library Learning Resource Details 2018-19
3) Library Learning Resource Details 2019-20
4) Library Learning Resource Details 2020-21
5) Library Learning Resource Details 2021-22
6) Library Automation
7) Library e-Resources
8) Subjectwise Total Number of Books from 1967-2023
IT Infrastructure
1) Internet Bill and Bandwidth Conneciton in the Institution
2) IT Infrastructure Facilities
3) Student Computer Ratio
4) Department of Compter Science Stock Register
Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure
1) Procedures and Policies For Campus Infrastructure Maintenance
Criteria 5 : Student Support and Progression
Student Support
1) Students Scholarship Details 2017-18
2) Students Scholarship Details_2018-19
3) Students Scholarship Details 2019-20
4) Students Scholarship Details 2020-21
5) Students Scholarship Details 2021-22
6) List of Students Admitted from 2017 To 2022
7) Guidance for Competitive Examinations and Career Counselling
8) Institutional Transparent Mechanism
9) Soft Skills
10) Language and Communication Skills
11) Life Skills Yoga
12) Life Skills Health and Hygiene
13) ICT Computing Skills
Student Progression
1) Student Progression in Higher Education and Employment
2) List of Students Progression in Higher Education and Employment
Student Participation and Activities
1) Number of Medals Awards and Certificates in Sports
2) Number of Awards and Medals
3) Number of Medals Awards and Certificates in Cultural
4) Number of Sports and Cultural Program
Alumni Engagement
1) Alumni Registration Certificate
2) Alumni_Guest_Lecture_Contribution
2) Alumni Meet Report 2017-2022
Criteria 6 : Governance, Leadership and Management
Institutional Vision and Leadership
1) Organization Structure
2) Governing Council Body
3) H.K.E. Society Bye Laws
4) Governance and Leadership
Strategy Development and Deployment
1) e-Governacne Operation
2) Strategic Development and Deployment
Faculty Empowerment Strategies
1) Employee Provident Fund
2) Non Teaching FDP Certificate
3) Teaching FDP Certificate
Financial Management and Resource Mobilization
1) Audit Report
Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS)
1) Affiliated University Academic Audit
2) Regular IQAC Meeting
3) Collaborative Quality Initiatives
4) College Affiliation Documents
Criteria 7 : Institutional Values and Best Practices
Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities
1) Annual Report 2017-18
2) Annual Report 2018-19
3) Annual Report 2019-20
4) Annual Report 2020-21
5) Annual Report 2021-22
6) Gender Equity and Institutional Initiatives to Celebrate
7) Institution Facilities and Initiatives
8) Green Audit Report 2022-23
9) Energy Audit Report 2022-23
10) Clean and Green Campus Initiatives
11) Beyond the Campus Environmental Promotion Activities
12) Institutional Policy
13) Solar Panel Maintenance Bill
14) Code of Conduct
Best Practices
1) Best Practices
Institutional Distinctiveness
1) Institutional Distinctiveness
2) Institutional Distinctiveness Report

Data Validation and Verification (DVV)

Extended Profile Deviations
1) 1.1 Number of students year wise during the last five years
1) 2.1 Number of Teaching Staff Full Time Teachers During The Last Five Years
2) 2.2 Number of Teaching Staff Full Time Teachers During The Last Five Years
1) 3.1 Expenditure excluding salary component year wise during the last five years
Metrics Level Deviations
Metric 1
1) 1.4.1 Sample Filled in Feedback Forms
2) 1.4.1 Feedback Analysis
3) 1.4.1 Action Taken Report
4) 1.4.1 Document Communication With Affiliating University for Feedback
Metric 2
1) 2.1.1 Number of Students admitted year wise
2) 2.1.2 Copy of Letter Issued by State Govt of Reserved Categories
3) 2.1.2 Categorywise First Year Admission List
4) 2.1.2 Categorywise Extracted First Year Student Admission List
5) 2.4.1 Sanction Letters Indicating Number of Posts by Competent Authority
6) 2.4.2 Ph.D Certificates of Teachers
7) 2.6.2 Result Sheet Published by the Affiliating University
Metric 3
1) 3.3.1 Number of Research Paper Published in UGC Care List
2) 3.3.2 Number of Books and Chapters Published
3) 3.3.2 Books Published List
4) 3.4.3 Number of Extension and Outreach Program
5) 3.5.1 Reports of the Research Collabration
Metric 4
1) 4.4.1 Expenditure Incurred on Maintenance of Infrastructure
2) 4.3.2 Computer Stock Register
3) 4.3.2 Bills for the Purchase of Computers
Metric 5
1) 5.1.1 DVV Clarification For The Metric 5.1.1
2) 5.1.1 Correspondance Letter Regarding Scholarship
3) 5.1.2 DVV Clarification For The Metrics 5.1.2
4) 5.1.2 ICT Training Program
5) 5.1.2 Importance of Listening Skills
6) 5.1.2 Spoken English and Communication
7) 5.1.2 Nutrional Awareness and Health Checkup
8) 5.1.3 Workshop on Competative Examination Certificate
9) 5.1.3 Workshop on Competeative Examination Attendance e-Copies
10) 5.1.4 Students Grievance Redressal Cell
11) 5.1.4 Anti Ragging Committe
12) 5.1.4 Anti Sexual Harassment Cell
13) 5.1.4 Parents Teacher Association
14) 5.1.4 Alumni Parents Meeting
15) 5.2.1 Outgoing Students Placement and Progressing to HE 2017-18
16) 5.2.1 Outgoing Students Placement and Progressing to HE 2018-19
17) 5.2.1 Outgoing Students Placement and Progressing to HE 2019-20
18) 5.2.1 Outgoing Students Placement and Progressing to HE 2020-21
19) 5.3.1 Number of Awards and Medals in Sports
Metric 6
1) 6.2.2 Screenshot of User Interfaces Reflecting the Name of HEI
2) 6.2.2 Institutional Expenditure on E Governance
3) 6.2.2 Policy Document On e-Governance
4) 6.2.2 Institutional Expenditure of E-Governance Reflected of the Audit Statement
5) 6.3.3 Teaching FDP Certificate
6) 6.3.3 Non-Teaching FDP Certificate
7) 6.5.2 Proceedings of Meeting of IQAC
8) 6.5.2 Collaborative Quality Initiatives
9) 6.5.2 NAAC Certificate
Metric 7
1) 7.1.2 Policy documents of the institution
2) 7.1.2 Geo Tagged Photographs of Institution Facilities
3) 7.1.2 Bills for the purchase of equipemnts for the facilities
4) 7.1.2 Policy Document For Divyangjan
5) 7.1.2 Green Campus Initiatives
6) 7.1.3 Green Audit Report
7) 7.1.3 Energy Audit Report
8) 7.1.3 Green Audit Certificate
9) 7.1.3 Energy Audit Certificate
10) 7.1.3 Clean and Green Campus Initiatives
11) 7.1.3 Beyond the Campus Environmental Promotion Activities

AQAR Abstract

AQAR Abstract

NAAC 2nd Cycle RAR & NAAC 3rd Cycle SSR

Program & Course Outcomes

Program Outcomes

Procedures & Policies

Procedures & Policies

Student Satisfaction Survey on Teaching Learning Process

We love toggle

Etiam molestie, risus eu gravida lobortis, velit sapien aliquam lectus, nec hendrerit lectus erat ac libero. Aenean fermentum luctus viverra. Pellentesque id lectus ante, vel tristique elit. Fusce mattis, purus non consectetur cursus, justo nisi viverra sem, ac lobortis ipsum sapien vel purus. Vivamus aliquet gravida nibh sit amet accumsan. Fusce et lorem nunc. Sed convallis, tortor nec ornare sagittis, velit ligula varius sapien, eu cursus nisl purus sed felis. Morbi congue pellentesque quam, eu ultricies. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nulla facilisi. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc rhoncus tortor quis eros bibendum a tempus est dapibus. Vivamus consectetur quam eu tellus porttitor ultrices. Nunc metus massa, ullamcorper sit amet malesuada a, porttitor in tellus. Vestibulum ullamcorper quam nec lorem aliquam id feugiat risus tincidunt. Aenean fermentum luctus viverra. Pellentesque id lectus ante, vel tristique elit. Fusce mattis, purus non consectetur cursus, justo nisi viverra sem, ac lobortis ipsum sapien vel purus. Vivamus aliquet gravida nibh.